This is same setup as Page 1, only difference is that it was repeated with a Nikon D800. Same result, description and comments as on previous page.
The pictures below: D800, f/8 1/125 second, ISO 100. 70-200 mm D lens. SB-800 hot shoe direct flash, five feet.
No compensation, all point and shoot, except the distance was measured for the GN mode. The only adjustment is white balance. The backgrounds are black and white paper.
Again, this is not about theoretical perfect exposure, as there was no attempt here to compensate anything.
D lens distance info did significantly minimize the TTL BL expected overexposure of the black scene, but a bit less so, more middle ground between the overexposed TTL and the GN distance exposed version. There was substantial modification, but not quite equal to GN mode.
Error in measuring the actual distance can vary the GN results, which may be the difference. But it was measured, and the D lens information in the Exif says subject distance of both groups on both pages was 1.5 meters (4.92 feet), so the two groups were very similar.
D lens distance info obviously DID NOT affect the TTL BL expected underexposure of the white scene.
The TTL BL result is again slightly more underexposed than the TTL metered version here.
Same problem photo situation as on previous main page, but with D800. Not as dramatic, but I thought I had to include it.
Nikon D800 in DX mode with 16-85 mm at 16 mm, and SB-800 flash at measured 15 feet, 4.57 m

GN mode, focus reported 2.82 m

TTL mode, focus reported 1.41 m

TTL BL mode, focus reported 1.41 m
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